“You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” ~Winston Churchill

Our robotics programs are built on the concept of volunteer mentors with industry experience fueling the learning and passion for students seeking this hands-on learning opportunity. The growing student demand for our program is outstripping our mentor volunteer pool. We need your help to close and hopefully eliminate this gap! Please contact us at info@westaaustin.org if you or someone you know might have an interest in learning more about being a mentor . It is a unique and rewarding opportunity to inspire and shape tomorrow’s game changers!
Current Mentor’s Perspective:
“It’s hard to put into words what being a mentor means. Many hours devoted to helping the students in various aspects of the competition is repaid in spades when you see your efforts lead to student self discovery, intellectual curiosity, passion, determination pride, and confidence in their growing abilities. Your own sense of pride will swell too, knowing that you played an integral part in their transformation.”
FIRST® LEGO® League Mentor Role Description
FIRST® Tech Challenge Mentor Roles
FIRST® Robotics Competition Mentor Roles
To learn more, email info@westaaustin.org